What people have said about working with brooke and cipc...
“I felt comfortable in opening up to Brooke quickly about my concerns and shortcomings without feeling judged. She was serious when she needed to be, and lit up with big smiles at just the right time. Preparing and processing birth is a vulnerable time. Brooke’s approach and compassion left us feeling safe, grounded, empowered and cared for. We walked away from our meeting with new skills.”
“Brooke is a talented professional. In meeting with us she quickly honed in on and prioritized what we wanted to accomplish prior to our birth. She connected with me as the mom and she also developed a strong connection with my husband which allowed us all to be a team. ”
“Brooke is not only intuitive but she also provides a solid framework that she developed which helped us to quickly identify the issues that mattered to us most. She proposed workable solutions that we were able to incorporate right after she left. We felt immediately more connected as a couple and that carried through into the day of labor and birth.”
“Brooke helped me remember strengths that I already have but had forgotten about and gave me suggestions on ways to address my concerns through various methods - practical, spiritual, and emotional. She also helped me look ahead to after the baby would be born and make a plan to put in place the support I would need then. She encouraged me to increase my support network and helped me figure out how to do that, and also helped me tap back into my own inner strengths and resources.”
“Our time together has made me really analyze my fears about this next birth and the concrete strategies on the worksheet have given me a sense of power and hope that I can do this. Yay!”
“I truly believe that much of my confidence now stems from my meeting with Brooke. By identifying what was upsetting me, I could be objective and move forward. Birth seems less overwhelming when you make a plan that feels right in your heart and I credit being able to listen to my heart more carefully to her caring advice and ears. Thanks again, Brooke. I am very grateful for your expertise and heart.”
“Brooke reminded me of my strength and role as my new baby’s mom. She bridged that connection which was the beginning point of our mother daughter love affair. Brooke was so clearly in her zone and at home in the role that she crafted for herself. We feel blessed to have crossed and joined paths with Brooke.”
“We believe that Brooke’s work cultivated a space for us to have a beautiful, calm, loving and connected birth. She gave my husband words that he could use and quietly and calmly guided him in helping us through labor. We were all mindfully present during our birth which is exactly what we were lacking and needed when we sought Brooke’s consult. ”
“I worked with Brooke just before my second son was born. She helped me identify the emotions and thoughts and worries that I knew were getting in the way of me having the birth experience I wanted. I had a traumatic experience during my first birth and had many concerns going into my second one. She listened to my concerns, worries and hopes in a way that no one else had. I know that working with Brooke and feeling her support was a huge part of helping me have a very positive experience during the birth of my beautiful son and I am so grateful.”
“Brooke is a master at creating sacred space. I attended a Baby Blessing which she facilitated and was astounded by the power of the experience. Drawing upon a multitude of traditions, she brought them alive in our present context. She delicately facilitated the experience so it was deeply moving and beautiful yet infused with humor and plenty of laughter at just the right moments. I could not imagine a more wonderful way to honor mother and baby.”
“I met with Brooke after the birth of my second child. As she left my house, I felt a deep contentment. I realized it was because I felt so taken care of, so nourished by our meeting. Being truly cared for is a wonderful experience, and Brooke can create an open space and then tend to whatever emotions and experiences come forth. She knows how to tend to the well-being of others in an all-encompassing way, with grace and laughter.”
“I benefited from Brooke’s breastfeeding knowledge. She thought to ask if my son was tongue-tied after I described our situation. I told her he was, and she shared what she knew about tongue ties, nursing, and revision procedures which proved to be very helpful. I don’t know if I would have taken action had I not spoken with Brooke and reflected upon my nursing struggles.”