Pregnancy and Postpartum Wellness Coaching
“Pregnancy and Postpartum Wellness Coaching helps you and your family prepare for and create the best opportunity for a positive pregnancy, birth and postpartum experience, and also acts as a safe and supportive container to help guide and support you through one of the most transformative and challenging periods of your life.”
What is integrative life coaching and how is it different from traditional life coaching?
A traditional life coach is someone who guides you to reach goals and make changes in all areas of your life. An integrative life coach does that AND helps you to heal while empowering you to change your life with coaching tools, techniques, and action plans.
Life Coach: a person who partners with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.
Integrative: combining allopathic and complementary therapies, serving to unify separate things, or bring together or incorporate (parts) into a whole.
Integrative Life Coach: a person who is trained in life coaching fundamentals combined with a diverse range of healing modalities in the areas of mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual wellness, who works with you to help you make positive changes in all areas of your life.
What is INTEGRATIVE pregnancy, BIRTH and postpartum Coaching?
Our programs offer a unique and cutting-edge form of Integrative Wellness & Life Coaching that is specifically designed for pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum.
Drawing on the most effective life and wellness coaching models and the integrative approach of the Integral Model of Pregnancy & Childbirth (IMPC), we will work together to focus on and support your overall well-being, supporting your optimal health and personal growth as you make the transition through pregnancy to parenthood. This Integral Approach draws from a variety of holistic disciplines, modalities and techniques and is specifically designed to help support you mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually, while also facilitating the development of tools and practices that can not only be used throughout your pregnancy, during labor, and as you step into your new life or stage of parenthood, but also supports your optimal well-being, balance and functionality in your motherhood journey and your life in general.
How does Integrative Coaching in pregnancy and parenthood work?
These programs uniquely combine the fundamentals of life coaching, wellness coaching and a diverse range of healing modalities to help clients address and heal blocks, while creating effective positive change in all areas of life.
Working together, you are provided with attentive support, reflection, and guidance as you traverse and prepare for the ups and downs of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum and life as a parent.
Additionally, we creatively and systematically address all aspects of your life that most influence your pregnancy, birth and postpartum experiences. We will work from the “inside out” and “outside in” to address all of the factors (i.e. mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, familial, logistical, etc.) that most influence the quality of your pregnancy, birth and family’s postpartum transition, always pointing you in the direction of positive growth and transformation.
how will Integrative Coaching benefit me?
While this work aims to create the best opportunity for a positive experience and outcome in your motherhood journey, it also supports you to build your strength, flexibility and resiliency in life in general. This way you have the resources, tools and support available to persevere and thrive in life, no matter what challenges you may face along the way.
These unique coaching services help individuals and families skillfully navigate life’s many transitions, help build skills for stress release and management, facilitate a powerfully effective process to overcome issues and challenges, facilitate the release of old habits, patterns, trauma and pain, and continuously help one move toward one’s path to optimal wellness—mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.
With all of this in mind, we will find ways to resource and nurture you, develop plans and strategies and troubleshoot challenges so that we can best meet you and your family’s needs and help you to grow, develop and navigate life as a parent.
Pregnancy and parenthood aren’t always the main areas that need our attention. Sometimes we find ourselves struggling to find and maintain balance between the different parts of our life, including health, work, life and parenthood.
With this unique coaching model you are not only find the support you need to effectively manage and release stress, anxiety and trauma that arises in times of difficulty and transition, but you are also taught powerful self-care methods and self-transformational tools that will support you to continue to thrive in the face of adversity, parenthood and life in general.
Do you Offer any package deals or Wellness coaching programs?
Yes! Contact me for more information and to set up a complimentary 20-minute phone or video consultation to learn about our current program and package offerings.
The Center for Integral Pregnancy and Childbirth offers multiple package and program options which range from providing you with comprehensive, cohesive and holistic support throughout your entire parenting journey, to engaging in single, intensive breakthrough sessions.
Contact me for Programs, Pricing & Scheduling
Yes, absolutely! Many of our clients engage in this important work from all corners of the globe.
These services are available in person, by phone, and via video platform.
Contact me for a free consultation!
Legal Disclaimer: The California Health Freedom Act was signed into law on September 23, 2002. This bill allows full practice of alternative methods by non-licensed individuals, within certain clearly defined parameters. As of January 1, 2003, alternative practitioners are allowed to practice freely in California. The practitioner of Integral Pregnancy & Childbirth Services is neither a licensed physician/midwife nor a licensed psychotherapist. Clients are advised that Integral Pregnancy & Childbirth Services do not substitute for the advice, treatment and/or diagnosis of a qualified licensed health care professional.